Grass Collection | Wright Commercial Mowers

Grass Collection

Our grass collection accessories are built to stand up to hard use season after season. They're engineered to fit Wright mowers as well as other professional brands.
Origins of the Grass Gobbler
Before Bill Wright invented the first stand-on mower, the Stander, he invented and began manufacturing welded steel grass catchers that could withstand the rigors of commercial use.
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  • Grass Gobbler™
  • Leaf Gobbler™
  • WrightVac™ Powered Bagger

Grass Gobbler™

grass gobbler
grass gobbler bracket front
grass gobbler bracket rear
grass gobbler chute inlet filled
grass gobbler latch
grass gobbler outdoors 1
grass gobbler outdoors 2
With a simple all-steel construction, the Grass Gobbler has proven itself to be the most durable catcher ever made.
  • Designed for continuous airflow and high-density packing
  • Durable all steel construction
  • Available in small (2.0 cu. ft.), regular (3.3 cu. ft.) and jumbo (4.3 cu. ft.) capacities
  • Fits most professional brands

Use the chart below to find which Grass Gobbler is compatible with your mower.

** For a more detailed chart and with listings of older mowers, go to the 'Gobbler Identification Chart' in the Accessory Parts Usage Charts Section below.

Mower Gobbler
Exmark Viking, Metro, E, S, X series. GG450 / GGJ550
Gravely 2002 & later Pro G & H/Pro Turn, Pro Walk WRJ300-3
Deere 7-iron JD200-2 / JDJ300-3
Wright type Deere JDJ500-HD
Ransomes/Bobcat 94' & Later GG250 / GGJ350
Ransomes/Bobcat 01' & Later Floating Deck TE250 / TEJ350
Ransomes/Bobcat 01' & Fixed Deck GG450 / GGJ550
Scag SC200-2 / SCJ300-3
Scag Advantage SA200-2 / SAJ300-3
Scag Velocity SVJ300-3
Ferris, Snapper, Simplicity (iCD type deck) FS200-2/FSJ300-3
Toro Floating Dck 01' & Later & Turbo Force TOJ350
Wright Original WR200-2 / WRJ300-3
Wright AERO Core WRJ500-5
Leaf Gobbler fits all Jumbo LG1000

Leaf Gobbler™

leaf gobbler overview
leaf gobbler front view
leaf gobbler side view
The Leaf Gobbler is designed to fit all Wright JUMBO Grass Gobblers.
  • Double your collection capacity to 8.9 cu. ft. overall on your Jumbo Grass Gobbler
  • The Leaf Gobbler has a 4.6 cu. ft. capacity
  • The total shipping weight is 21 lbs.
  • Holds up to 8 bushels for 48” models, 12 bushels for 61” models, and your choice of 8 or 12 bushel systems for 52” models

WrightVac™ Powered Bagger

wrightvac side
wrightvac weight and hitch kit
wrightvac weight and hitch kit
wrightvac lid open
wrightvac bagger hose
wrightvac blower
The Ultimate Bagger for the Ultimate Mower!
The WrightVac system is designed to meet the demanding needs you face everyday as a professional landscaper. Our goal was to create a bagger system to match the performance of the mower. This means the WrightVac was engineered to produce enough airflow to prevent clogging even when mowing at max speed of 13mph; which makes it ideal for both the ZX series and the ZK.

In addition, the WrightVac shares the same heavy-duty low low-maintenance elements as the ZXT resulting in a truly commercial-grade powered bagger.
  • The kit includes: Blower, 3 Bin Bagger, Front Hitch-Receiver and Weight Kit
  • Deck compatible Belt kit to be purchased separately
  • WrightVac's purchased same date or later than ZXT, will share mower warranty
  • Holds up to 10 bushels of grass
The WrightVac™ is warranted for the same period as the mower on which it is installed. If a new WrightVac™ is installed on an out-of-warranty machine, the accessory is warranted for 90 days per our service parts warranty. Click here for more details.

Use the table below to get the correct Wright part numbers.

Description Notes Part Number
Grass Collection System, 3 Bag, ZXT/ZXL/ZK/LG Includes: WrightVac blower, Bagger, ZXT/ZXL/ZK/LG weight kit, and front hitch receiver 95320001*
Pulley Kit, 52, GCS 3 Bag, ZXT/ZXL ZXT/ZXL Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320002
Pulley Kit, 61, GCS 3 Bag, ZXT/ZXL ZXT/ZXL Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320003
Pulley Kit, 72, GCS 3 Bag, ZXT/ZXL ZXT/ZXL Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320004
Pulley Kit, 52, GCS 3 Bag, ZK2 ZK Gen 2 (SN 75180-167707) Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320006
Pulley Kit, 61, GCS 3 Bag, ZK2 ZK Gen 2 (SN 75180-167707) Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320007
Pulley Kit, 72, GCS 3 Bag, ZK2 ZK Gen 2 (SN 75180-167707) Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320008
Pulley Kit, 52, GCS 3 Bag, ZK3 ZK Gen 3 (SN 167708 and above) Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320014
Pulley Kit, 61, GCS 3 Bag, ZK3 ZK Gen 3 (SN 167708 and above) Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320015
Pulley Kit, 72, GCS 3 Bag, ZK3 ZK Gen 3 (SN 167708 and above) Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320016
Adaptor Kit, ZK2 ZK Gen 2 (SN 75180-167707) Includes ZK platform adaptor, additional weight plates, and deck lift spring assist kit 95320009
Adaptor Kit, ZK3 ZK Gen 3 (SN 167708 and above) Includes ZK platform adaptor and additional weight plates 95320017
Pulley Kit, 52, GCS 3 Bag, WSLG WSLG Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320012
Pulley Kit, 61, GCS 3 Bag, WSLG WSLG Deck size specific parts not included in 95320001 95320013
Adaptor Kit, WSLG Includes WSLG platform adaptor and additional weight plates 95320011
Blower Trailer Mount Safely mount your GCS blower on your trailer when the GCS is not in use. 95320010
WrightVac Blower Full compatibility with ZXT/ZXL/ZK(Gen2and Gen3)/WSLG only 98320110